Feeling Good, Refreshed, and on Track

Today I had a great workout with my trainer. He messaged me asking me if I was available to meet this evening since his previous client had cancelled. I agreed and I couldn’t be more happy that I did.

I arrived about an hour early and set myself up on the stair climber and timed it for 30min on random level 7. I know Vince and I know me and I didn’t want to work myself too hard so I really took it easy- enough to feel some burn and work up a good sweat.

The workout today was all squat techniques and some pull-ups (my nemesis). I wish I had greater upper body strength, but I know that if i keep up with my kettle bell, core, and back workouts I’ll gain it soon enough.

Here are my stats on my max reps

squat – 135lbs

pull-ups – 10 on the purple and green bands

front squat – 105 lbs

dead-lift – 135lbs

I’m not too concerned with how “great” that was in comparison to others. All I care about is how good I felt. I grunted, I laughed, I learned, and I enjoyed the workout. Image